Last year, there were already some changes for the BEE certification of tyres (e.g. here or here), but they shouldn’t be the last. On 29/12/2022, the Office of Energy Efficiency convened a meeting of the Technical Committee for the Star & Labelling System for Tyres and announced further changes, including the standardisation of the BEE energy efficiency label with international standards.
Specifically, this means that the word“model/year” was replaced by “year”, as is customary for tyres and in international practice. In addition, the discussion on the introduction of the QR code was continued, but without reaching a result. Otherwise, only the changes already announced last year were confirmed, i.e. tyres will have to display the logo on the right in the size 75*33mm² from 1 January 2024, and the certification and corresponding marking can also be applied now, but from 1 January 2023 each BEE energy efficiency label will have to be paid for (the fee is 1 Indian rupee per tyre, i.e. the equivalent of about 0.012 euros).
Previously, anyone wishing to import tyres into India only needed an AIS certification under AIS 142. In 2020, the BIS certification according to IS 15633 for passenger cars and IS 15636 for commercial vehicles became mandatory, and in 2021, last but not least, the Energy Efficiency Certification of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) was added to this list. The latter also refers to AIS 142, and to provide some clarity, in October 2022 the BEE published Schedule-30 – Standards and Labelling (S&L) programme for Tyres, which clarifies testing requirements, specifications, and indeed the BEE energy efficiency label.

If you have any questions on these or other points or would like a copy of a standard, product manual or the aforementioned Schedule 30, please contact us at any time. Our long-standing contacts with all relevant Indian authorities allow us to respond quickly and we will be happy to support you in any certification project.
You can find our contact information here.