Das Bureau of Indian Standards möchte den Standard IS 15636 (“Automotive Vehicles — Pneumatic Tyres for Commercial Vehicles — Diagonal and Radial Ply — Specification”) in einigen Punkten aktualisieren und hat dazu am 19. Juli 2023 den ersten Änderungsentwurf des IS 15636 (2022) veröffentlicht.
Folgende Änderungen werden vorgeschlagen:
3.31 Special Use Tyre — A tyre intended for mixed use both on and off road or for other special duty. These tyres are primarily designed to initiate and maintain the vehicle in motion in off-road conditions.
Aus “The actual measured overall width of the tyre may be less than the section width determined as detailed in this clause by value of less than 4 per cent” soll “(…)by value of less than or equal to 4 per cent” werden.
Bei “d) Speed symbol (or symbols) – An indication of tyre’s nominal speed symbol and a second speed symbol, if applicable, in form of the symbol given in 3.28;” soll zwischen “speed symbol” und “if applicable” noch “along with load index” hinzugefügt werden.

Nach “5.3 Markings given in 5.1 shall be permanently moulded into or permanently engraved/etched on the tyres. These shall be clearly legible and situated in the lower area of the tyre on at least one of its sidewalls.” soll noch “, except for the inscription mentioned in paragraph 5.1 (a)” eingefügt werden.
In Zeile “(i)”, Spalte 3 soll “3.00 B“ nun zu “3.00 B” werden.
ii) | 275/ 90R20 | 7.0J, 7.5 J | 269 274 | 253 258 | 282 287 | 1004/1009/ 1016/1024 | 990/994/ 1001/1009 | 1033/1039/ 1046/1054 | 149/ 145 | 3250/ 2900 | 125/ 125 |

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